Essenza Wedding Cinema



If image use is for the benefit of your business,  Will the images be used on your website? Will they be used in a studio booklet? Maybe you would like an image for a full page ad in a national magazine? Whatever the case may be, if it’s for business use and not to hang on your wall at home then the intended use is commercial.

Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any image, including downloadable files, without written permission of the copyright owner (ESSENZA WEDDING CINEMA – EMANUELE MURA e LUCA CRISTOFARI) and or the purchase of a commercial license prior to image use.

In Italy, the protection of copyright is regulated by Law no. 633 of 22 April 1941, commonly known as the Copyright Law. This law provides authors with a set of exclusive rights to the works they create. Among these rights are the ability to authorize or prohibit the reproduction, distribution, communication to the public and adaptation of their works. Copyright automatically applies to any work that is considered original and has a tangible form of expression. These works include books, music, films, software, drawings and photographs.

In Italy, the duration of copyright is 70 years after the death of the author, although some exceptions are provided for specific types of works. Italian copyright law aims to protect authors and their rights, while seeking to balance the interests of users of the works and the copyright holders themselves. To this end, the law also provides some limitations and exceptions to copyright, for example allowing the use of works for educational, scientific or critical purposes.


In the unlikely event of total photographic failure, or in the event that the obligation cannot be fulfilled by the photographer due to serious injury or sickness, and always provided that the event eventuates beyond the control of ESSENZA WEDDING CINEMA, the photographer’s liability and the videographer’s liability shall be limited to a full refund of all monies paid. The bridal couple’s statutory rights are not affected.


In accordance with the Privacy Policy, the controller of the data is ESSENZA WEDDING CINEMA found at the address listed below, in which the spouses can contact for any request concerning their data. All conditions mentioned above are accepted by signing this contract. Furthermore, ESSENZA WEDDING CINEMA is authorized to publish the more significant photos of your wedding on his Web Sites, Blogs page. ESSENZA WEDDING WEDDING CINEMA is also authorized to publish the above mentioned photos on the more important worldwide blogs of weddings. On his part, ESSENZA WEDDING CINEMA, the photographer commits himself to use the photos and videos in a correct way so as not to damage the image of the spouses.


In case of questions in relation to the collection, use, processing, copyright, communication or dissemination of your personal data, the user can send an email to the following email address: